Quality as FOCUS

Vision: Make the production processes of the Italian manufacturing industry safer, more effective, and more efficient.

Mission: Provide innovative solutions from leading brands in the international mechatronics sector, accompanied by high-quality consulting services.

The implementation of our quality principles in our work and products is achieved through a unified management system and a quality standard. The interaction and constant process of improving our processes are guaranteed by the following quality principles:


1. Customer Focus: Understand and meet customer expectations and needs by providing compliant products on time.

2. Leadership and Responsibility: Each team member is responsible for the quality of their results through involvement and continuous training.

3. Culture of Continuous Improvement: Promote a "constructive" and "non-punitive" error culture, openly addressing errors to continually improve.

4. Commitment to Meeting Deadlines: Respect deadlines through realistic planning and timely communication of any delays.

5. Mutual Trust: Build lasting relationships of trust and collaboration with customers and suppliers.

The Quality Policy is communicated internally through training and specific communications, and to customers and stakeholders via the website, and is reviewed periodically.

Quality objectives are established annually and monitored to ensure compliance and customer satisfaction.

As defined in our Quality Policy, Quality for Homberger means satisfying its Customers, both internal and external, generating profit through the effectiveness of its people and its organization.

To download the Homberger Quality Policy, click the button below:


Customer satisfaction, the effectiveness of people and the organization and corporate profit are pursued through continuous improvement of business processes.

Since 1996 Homberger is UNI EN ISO 9001 certified

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Since 2012 Homberger is EN 9120 certified

Click to download

Code of Ethics

Homberger has based its quality system on ethical principles, summarized in the code of ethics below:

General Sales Conditions

Learn more about Homberger's general sales conditions in the following section. 

General Sales Conditions_06.2024 - Homberger Spa

General Purchasing Conditions

Learn more about Homberger's general purchasing conditions in the following section. 

General Purchasing Conditions_07.2024 - Homberger Spa
